Love, Joy, Peace...

The Constancy of God: Exploring the Significance of the Promises of God 
CCK Annual Christian Year Devotional Summary, 2023-24 
Dr. Don L. Davis 
November 30, 2023 

The promises of God are a cornerstone of our Christian spirituality. These beautiful statements from the Lord serve as a beacon of hope and guidance for us in every aspect of our lives. In the context of our ongoing discipleship and spiritual formation, they are not merely historical statements to others of old or stiff theological concepts from times gone by. Instead, these statements are living realities of God's faithful character. They can mold and transform us as we represent God in our homes, workplaces, and other settings, wherever God leads us. Below, I will explore the meaning of God's promises. I will examine how they are foundational to understanding the covenants established through Christ, crucial in walking by faith, and vital for spiritual formation. 

The Constancy of God: The Surety of Our Faith 
While there are many ways to frame God's reliability and truthfulness, this year, we will affirm  joyfully the constancy of God. While this may not be a term you are familiar with, to say that our God is constant is to say that he is utterly faithful and dependable. He does not change his mind, cannot lie, and will never renege on his promise or word. Never. In this way, God is not like us, i.e., people who change their minds and attitudes as often as the situations that they face. "God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?" (Num. 23:19 NKJ). The LORD makes promises, never forgets them, and fulfills them completely. We should not consider them generic spiritual laws that we can apply, like the laws of science. We don't rely on the promises in and of themselves. Instead, we rely on them because he is a God of character who is constant in his fidelity, faithfulness, and reliability. 

Simply put, God keeps his word. He does not change his mind. He is not fickle; he resolves to do something and does it in his own time and way, but he is never late and never delinquent. He cannot change. "For I, the Lord, do not change; therefore you, the sons of Jacob, have not come to an end." (Mal. 3.16 (ESV). God is constant in the wake of everything we go through, our society's chaos, and our many troubles and trials. We can rely on his promises. Because he is faithful, we can be resolute, and because he is true, we can persevere. Our endurance through trials and difficulties is directly related to our knowing and relying on God's unchanging word and faithful provision in our lives. God has not forgotten about us! 

The Nature of God's Promises: The Covenants 
God's promises, as depicted in Scripture, range from personal assurances to grand declarations of redemption and restoration. These promises, grounded in the unchanging nature of God, offer stability and hope. Key examples include the promise of salvation (John 3:16), the presence of God (Matthew 28:20), and the assurance of eternal life (1 John 2:25). The constancy of God assures us that these promises are not only reliable but also relevant across all ages. 

The covenants, both Old and New, manifest God's promises. The Old Covenant, established with figures like Abraham and Moses, laid the foundation, promising a nation, a land, and ultimately a blessing to all nations. The New Covenant, inaugurated by Jesus, fulfills these promises, offering a deeper, more personal relationship with God through Christ. This fulfillment is not a negation but an embodiment and continuation of God's faithfulness. 

God's Promises in Discipleship and Spiritual Formation 
In discipleship, understanding and embracing God's promises is crucial. It involves more than intellectual assent; it is a journey of faith—we are followers of Christ, on a journey to obey him as his disciples. This journey is marked by trust in God's promises, which direct our actions, decisions, and entire life course. 

Discipleship, therefore, is not just following Christ's teachings but living in the reality of His promises. Spiritual formation is the process of being conformed to the image of Christ, a transformation deeply rooted in God's promises. These promises catalyze growth, encouraging believers to mature in faith, love, and hope. The transformative power lies in knowing these promises and internalizing and living them out. 

Strength for the Journey: Walking by Faith in God's Promises
Living by faith in God's promises means actively applying them in daily life. This walk of faith involves facing trials and challenges with the assurance of God's faithfulness, making decisions based on His word, and maintaining a hopeful perspective. Practical faith in God's promises propels believers toward spiritual maturity and effective discipleship. 

The lives of Abraham, David, Mary, and Paul offer rich insights into living by God's promises. Abraham's journey reflects a life of faith in God's promise of a son and a nation. David's life demonstrates reliance on God's promise of kingship and covenant, even in the wake of complex challenges and trials. Mary became the "God-bearer" (as the ancients referred to her) because she accepted the word of the angel Gabriel that she would bear a child, becoming the mother of the Messiah, even though she was virgin daughter of Israel. And finally, Paul's ministry exemplifies the power of God's promises in transforming a blaspheming jihadist into one of the chief ambassadors for Christ and his kingdom. 

They are not alone! We, too, are heirs of the promise, and Abraham is our father! We who live as contemporary followers of Jesus must learn more and more to claim the constancy of God and prove his promises reliable and relevant in our daily lives. As we rest on God's constancy and faithfulness, we can draw strength, guidance, and comfort from these promises, just as these biblical figures and modern day saints do, all around the world in countless challenging circumstances. 

Indeed, we all know the testimonies of individuals and communities who cling to God and his promises during times of hardship and joy. Their staunch faith in the constancy of God provides compelling evidence of the ongoing power and relevance of God's promises. We all need to join them in their quest of claiming his word as true for us, by faith. 

Practical Steps for Applying God's Promises 
The suggestions below can make your time in the Christian Year Devotional even more spiritually refreshing and insightful. 

1. Spend time each day with the CCKannual, spending time with the Lord 

Form habits of daily Scripture reading, meditation, affirmation, and prayer. Start each day with a passage of Scripture, focusing mainly on those that highlight God's promises. Meditate on the worship song, teachings, prayers, and recitations, asking questions like, "What does this promise mean for me today?" and "How does this promise shape my understanding of God and His plan for my life?" 

2. Journaling God's faithfulness

If you desire, you can keep a journal dedicated to recording instances where you've seen God's promises fulfilled in your life. Write down your thoughts, prayers, and reflections on the promises you claim, and briefly describe how you see them fulfilled in your life. This practice serves as a tangible reminder of God's faithfulness. 

3. Affirm and apply God's promises daily

Incorporate God's promises into your daily prayer life. Pray these promises back to God as affirmations of faith and trust. Make requests to God, and use his promises as the foundation for your petitions, aligning your requests with what God has promised. In all that you face, e.g., in your decision-making (whether big or small), consult and claim the promises of God. Let them guide your choices, affect your attitudes, and determine your responses to life's situations. 

4. Memorize key promises and read the books with us

Please note the key Bible promises we will be memorizing, and join us in committing them to memory. By doing this, you will internalize these truths, making them part of your spiritual armor. Also, read along with us as we think through the meaning of these promises, joining us in reading our books for the year. Recite these promises during doubt, fear, or temptation to reaffirm your faith and focus. And reading along with us will inspire you as you learn to walk by faith in God's promises. 

5. Form the habits of gratitude and trust. 

Form new micro-habits of being grateful for how God fulfills his word in your life. Cultivate gratitude for God's promises, regularly acknowledging and thanking him for how he keeps his word in your life. Practice trust by consciously relying on God's promises during your challenging times, and affirm your faith in His goodness and sovereignty sometime each day. 

6. Share your insights and experiences with others

Finally, share with others how God's promises are impacting your life. Find ways to share your insights in conversations, interactions, testimonies, and even social media. You can encourage others by sharing your lessons of God's faithfulness in your life, providing hope and direction for others. 

Final Word

Paul opened his letter to his friend and coworker Titus by affirming that God cannot lie and that he promised long ago that we who believe will inherit eternal life (Titus 1.2). We are excited about learning as disciples how to understand better, apply, and share the great promises of our God, the Faithful One. 

His promises are indispensable in our lives as followers of Christ, providing the framework for our understanding of God's covenants, assisting us in our journeys of faith, and shaping us in our ongoing spiritual formation. Join us as we actively apply the promises of God, experiencing life and awaiting the return of Jesus of Nazareth, the King of Glory! He will keep his word to us!

Hebron Community Church
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