The LORD God is the Creator of the ends of the earth. He has established laws in nature which govern all the processes of life–planting, growth, cultivation and harvest. These principles give us insight on how to conduct our lives, families, churches, and societies (to continue reading this essay click the image above)

Learn the purpose and passion of CCK.

Mission: We are a community of Christ’s disciples that confess his person, experience his presence, follow his path, and fulfill his kingdom purpose.
Vision: To see a flourishing Kingdom outpost in every broken neighborhood on earth.
Purpose: To plant churches that glorify Christ as king and advance his kingdom where they live, work, and serve.
"For Christ and His Kingdom!"
Vision: To see a flourishing Kingdom outpost in every broken neighborhood on earth.
Purpose: To plant churches that glorify Christ as king and advance his kingdom where they live, work, and serve.
"For Christ and His Kingdom!"
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The Lord hears and answers prayer!

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Let your requests be known to God, Phil. 4.6-7

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